Optimizing Site Views

Optimizing Site Views

Optimizing Site Views is all about HOME ARCHITECTS ® analyzing the best location for your dream house on your dream land.  This architectural firm uses Google Earth, on-site photos, aerial drone HD reconnaissance video, digital photos and topographic survey data to study the best option for your new house.  

Optimizing site views
Click on image to see another article about Remote Site Analysis

Optimizing site views: (C) Copyright 2014, Home Architect, PLLC, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. The green cylinders represent trees, 70′ tall.











The above image , from one of this company’s recent Google Earth studies, illustrates how they can quickly create and place a “foundation wall/main floor” house mass onto the 3D terrain, then also install block “trees” of the estimated height and diameter around the boundary of your property (on adjacent parcels) to understand what the actual heights are that you will need to see over to see just about anything beyond your land’s perimeter (perhaps except for winter, for the deciduous trees).   This preliminary site analysis is crucial to understanding what the best views will be from your property.  Without having a professional conduct such a study, you are really gambling as to what your views will be and what you imagine may not materialize if you did not have this study prepared.


This architectural firm likes to optimize the location for its Clients, to locate their house at precisely the best possible place to result in the best views of their land and the views off their land as well, sometimes tens of miles into the distance, depending on the elevation of the property.  If you are thinking that you can trespass on neighboring land and cut down trees, think again.  This firm has seen where such transgressors end up in court, paying big fines and having to replace the trees they cut down at a huge cost to them.  The legal principle is very simple: if its not grown on your land, you don’t own and have to legal right to modify or remove it.


This Architect has been successful in negotiating view easements for their Clients, in some situations, where tall trees on neighboring land blocks important views.  However, as much as possible, the objective is to work with what you have.















In this study, you can see how the Architect uses land height information to help place the house at an elevated place where it will be guaranteed to see over neighboring trees (trees can be depicted of any height).


optimizing site views
optimizing site views: in this image, you can see how the Architect can understand the relative height of foundation walls with respect to the site slope under the chosen location for the house. This can dramatically affect the cost of your project. Click on the image to see another site analysis in another State.















Another significant benefit of such studies is that your Architect can get an understanding of the height of foundation walls.  This is crucial to understanding relative cost devoted to the “invisible investment” if your hard-earned dollars being spend on the part of the structure that is holding up your main floor level.  An improperly placed house could have hundreds of thousands of wasted dollars into an otherwise unnecessarily tall foundation wall system.  This happens every day.  Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish.  Hire an Architect to properly analyze the best placement for your house. 


Contact for Optimizing Your Site Views:  Rand@HomeArchitects.com   828-269-9046 




tags: optimizing site views, cashiers, atlanta, aspen, telluride, lake tahoe, highlands, lake toxaway, glenville, post and beam, mountain, asheville, hendersonville


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