Industrial Mountain Style

Industrial Mountain Style

This is part of a continuing series of a trellis design and construction behind an Industrial Mountain Style house, also designed by HOME ARCHITECTS ®.  And this trellis is evocative of that industrial mountain style as well.

industrial mountain style
Photo courtesy of Merry Soellner.  Designed by HOME ARCHITECTS ®

This is one of the first night shots, which are difficult to take, because they generally are out of focus.  Merry took this one, with her new Samsung smart phone on high-res.  In another couple of days, we’ll be having a pro photographer take some more, including a drone video.


What this depicts:
A night shot of the new industrial mountain style trellis structure with the new LED rope lights mounted in 4.5 rows just under the top layer of the trellis on both sides.  It delivers a better than expected level of brightness.
Also included are the LED fountain headlights, the solar lights (surprising that they remained on, and far row of LED 120v dimmed floodlights reflecting off the large aborvitae, boxwoods and flagstone.  There are also lower voltage LED step lights that the electrician believed would provide general illumination (but he was wrong), but it still a nice effect.  There are also inside LED table lights, filtered through the PE wicker of the enclosure.

All in all, a nice warm lighting effect with multiple lighting systems (all LED).  Should be excellent for evening social events.

The two ghostly “eyes” up in the night sky are actually the lights of a house about a mile away across the valley over in Cedar Hill. What we have here must look like a flying saucer getting ready to takeoff from over there.

In the forefront of this photo is the bar (presently unoccupied) and the large stairway.  More on this later, after the pro photographer make his video.