
This is the company STORE.

We will be adding items to this store page as time progresses.  Scroll down to see what appeals to you, then click on the item you would like to see more closely.  That will take you to that item:









BookStore <–(click here, or on the image above)
This is our company Bookstore.  It features books, most of which we have authored, to help provide useful information for our Clients, Contractors and other Architects, worldwide.  Most of these are brief online e-books, straight and to the point and most of them are Free.









Remote Site Diag™ <–(click here, or on the image above)
This is our Remote Site Diagnosis, in which we analyze your property remotely using global imagery viewing software, than gives us access to the entire planet. We can perform a swift, simple and economical preliminary site analysis of your land, helping you to understand where your structure might want to be located and the path a road might take to get there and the best view orientation.  This service is budget-priced to give you a great introductory value.