Firm Info, About Us, Philosophy Index

Photo Credit: Marjorie Deal Christiansen: Photo of Rand Soellner, ArCH, Architect
Client Centered Architectural Design Process Guide
Rand Soellner Architect Honors & Awards
Benefits of Home Architects Designs
Reasons for an Architect to Design Your Home
Local House Plan Architects Versus the Best Expert
Residential Design Downloads (Printout hardcopy of Project Sheets)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How to Read an Architect’s Drawings
Interview of Rand Soellner: on Entrepreneur Architect
Interview of Rand Soellner: on Business of Architecture
Links and resources:
mountain home architects
log home architects
home architects
This page is an index that lists the pages you can click to to find out more about those particular subjects.
For those of you that may just want a synopsis of what you will find on the other pages referenced, we can tell you the following:
The Firm Info page is like an About Us page, describing what our background is and what we do and establishes some of our background so that you can understand what gives us a right to claim to be knowledgeable about this subject of residential design.
History and Biography give you some information about the Architect’s background that some of you might find interesting. Not only does it review professional and educational background, it delves into the historical roots of his family heritage, going back to the “Old Country” in the 1800’s and features some sepia-toned aging family photos and a tour of the ancestral region overseas.
The Design Philosophy page provides insight into the Architect’s design methodology, so that if you are interested, you can open the pages of his mind to discover the process by which he will be designing your custom residence. There is a logical step by step procedure that allows you to participate at each stage of the design, so that your wishes are incorporated into your residence. Some firms don’t do it this way; they just knock out a design. Not us. We respect your wishes an make sure that you have multiple, convenient opportunities along the way to input your desires and review the project design progress.
The Honors & Awards page lists various applause the world has bestowed upon Soellner over the years, which may give you a comfort level that you will be engaging a highly respected architect of fine houses.
The Logo Design page explains the philosophy behind the bold graphics you see on Rand’s logo. We just want you to know that we have reasons for what we do. It is not all just about appearance; it is about functionality as well.
Benefits is a page that explains some of the advantages you receive when you engage us to design your project. If you are really interested in this subject, we can also direct you to some other pages on this website that breaks down cost benefits as well.
Check out the Reasons for and Architect to Design Your House page. It is really a pamphlet that you can download and printout. It lists about 30 detailed reasons why you might want to consider having an architect design your residential project. Various reasons include the likelihood of saving your architectural fee, perhaps several times over, in the savings that you will realize in the construction, operation and probable reduced maintenance of your house.
Local versus the Best Expert reviews reasons why you may wish to consider engaging Rand Soellner Architect to design your residence, no matter your land may happen to be located. This is his specialty and he designs houses all over the USA and has projects abroad as well. As a matter of fact, people in China have contacted him recently and are actively pursuing opportunities for his design skills there. So, if your land is in Iowa, or Georgia, or Oklahoma, or Virginia, Washington, California, Illinois, Texas, Florida or anywhere else in North America and the United States, you are close to us, by comparison!
The Press Kit page provides some information, including a couple of downloadable business cards in which you may be interested, especially if you are a real estate broker, contractor, a writer for a magazine or other press media, or a potential client.
Residential Design Downloads is a page with beautiful PDF pages of several projects that you may wish to download and printout, if you are interested in obtaining hardcopy of some of Soellner’s designs in a professional format, complete with the company logo and contact information.